About us

STEGOGREEN is a carbon credit and Biodiversity, Sustainability and ESG Bonds token trading platform. Registered in London and governed by the International Agreements of the Hague and Basel conventions for the prevention of money laundering, and being part of the Lothar Worldwide Financial Group.
It is the first and largest fully integrated and licensed Platform (in Europe) for trading Carbon Credits and Environmental Assets on Blockchain.
We believe that change begins with a clear vision and an unwavering commitment to compliance with the rules and regulations of the European Regulated Market for Carbon Credits and Environmental Assets.

Un mundo mejor
Inspired by this conviction, our platform relies on innovation to take steps towards a better world and greater Socio-environmental responsibility.

Our mission

Our mission is simple but powerful: Contribute to reducing the global carbon footprint and protecting our planet for future generations. We are committed to doing so through sustainable trade (purchasing, selling and offsetting carbon credits), with innovation and cutting-edge advanced technology (European Blockchain System).


Alliances and collaborations

We do not travel this journey alone.
We forge strategic alliances with diverse partners, including governments, entrepreneurs and universities, to make a significant impact in the fight against climate change. We work in collaboration with companies and institutions that share our vision of a fairer, cleaner and more sustainable world.

Our team

Behind STEGOGREEN is a diverse team of experts passionate about sustainability and blockchain technology. Each of us brings a unique combination of skills and experience to advance our commitment to climate change.

Transparency and Responsibility

Transparency and accountability are fundamental to everything we do. We believe in full blockchain traceability of carbon credits and ensuring there is no double selling. Our commitment to authenticity and integrity is absolute.

¿Cuántos créditos de carbono quieres reservar?