Green Farm CO2Free

An ESG platform for Environmental and Corporate Sustainability

Greenfarm CO2 FREE is a company that has been carrying out one of the best ESG and sustainability programs in the world for more than 11 years.

Greenfarm is an ecosystem services company that carries out environmental preservation work and offers participation quotas for companies that want to hire an ESG and Sustainability provider.

TWe work in accordance with the guidelines of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and collaborate with the implementation of the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

GreenFarm has an area of ​​4,654 hectares (46,540,666.30 m2), of which 3,800 hectares are natural preservation areas, where we carry out an entire sustainable flora and fauna conservation program.

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Our history

It emerged from the innovative vision and desire to contribute to the planet of Marco Mammana, who, inspired by the birth of his grandchildren, developed in an unprecedented and pioneering way this example of a sustainable economic model for the planet, executing projects that responsibly contribute to the preservation of the environment for the future of new generations.

In total, it provides 34 ecosystem services, which will serve as a basis for accrediting the Socio-Environmental Responsibility of the collaborating companies according to the specific technical criteria available, namely:

  1. Water filtration
  2. Senic beauty
  3. Biodiversity
  4. Carbon neutralization
  5. Green Education – CO2 FREE
  6. Habitat
  7. Green Marketing
  8. Research, development and innovation
  9. Pollination
  10. Recreation
  11. Global Pact
  12. CCU Conservation Unit Certification

Awards and certificates

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