How does it work?

We have simplified the process of buying, selling and offsetting carbon credits to make it accessible to everyone:
Registro y verificación

Registration and verification

Start your journey by registering on our platform. Once registered, we will guide you through a secure and fast verification process to ensure your transactions are safe and legitimate.
Explora el mercado

Explore the market

Once you’re inside, you can explore our carbon credit market. Here, you’ll find a wide variety of projects you can support to offset your carbon emissions. Each project has specific details, such as its location, type, and compensation mechanism.

Compra créditos de carbono

Buy carbon credits

Select the projects that interest you most and acquire carbon or biodiversity credits through our platform.
Vende tus créditos de carbono

Sell ​​your carbon credits

Sell ​​your uncompensated carbon and biodiversity credits. This allows you to be an active part and make these credits available to other committed users.


After purchasing our Carbon Credits, you can request the issuance of your NFTS and place them in your accounting inventory to Mitigate your Carbon footprint. This ensures that your investment has a real impact and that the credits acquired are used in your investment portfolio or to truly offset your greenhouse gas emissions.
Creación de un NFT personalizado

Creating a custom NFT

As part of our transparency initiative, we will generate a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). This NFT, backed by blockchain, will contain detailed information of all your offset transactions, giving you a transparent and verifiable record of your contribution to climate change.
Our STEGOGREEN platform offers you the opportunity to choose how you want to contribute to the well-being of our Planet

We are available to offer High Performance Carbon Credits, which can be part of your Investment Portfolio or for the Mitigation and compensation of your Carbon Footprint and Greenhouse Gas emissions, or we can offer the possibility of Purchasing Sustainability Credits , Biodiversity Credits, which will help Strengthen the corporate image of your company and save the diversity of various animal species on the Planet.

Together, we work for a safer, more balanced and sustainable world!
Compensa tus emisiones de carbono con confianza.

¿Cuántos créditos de carbono quieres reservar?